stable diffusion xl


We are releasing Stable Video Diffusion, an image-to-video model, for research purposes: SVD: This model was trained to generate 14 frames at resolution 576x1024 given a context frame of the same size. We use the standard image encoder from SD 2.1, but replace the decoder with a temporally-aware deflickering decoder.

SDXL is a latent diffusion model for text-to-image synthesis that uses a three times larger UNet backbone and multiple novel conditioning schemes. It shows improved performance and visual fidelity compared to previous versions of Stable Diffusion and black-box image generators.

Stable Diffusion. XL. The Stability AI team takes great pride in introducing SDXL 1.0, an open model representing the next evolutionary step in text-to-image generation models. SDXL 1.0, the flagship image model developed by Stability AI, stands as the pinnacle of open models for image generation.

stable-diffusion-xl-base-.9. like. 1.36k. Text-to-Image Diffusers Safetensors StableDiffusionXLPipeline stable-diffusion Inference Endpoints. arxiv: 2108.01073. arxiv: 2112.10752. arxiv: 2307.01952. License: other. Model card Files Community. 60. Deploy. Use in Diffusers. Edit model card. Researcher Early Access.

sd-forge-layerdiffuse. Transparent Image Layer Diffusion using Latent Transparency. This is a WIP extension for SD WebUI (via Forge) to generate transparent images and layers. The image generating and basic layer functionality is working now, but the transparent img2img is not finished yet (will finish in about one week).

Stability AI offers open models in various modalities, such as image, audio, video, and language, based on generative AI technology. Learn about Stable Diffusion XL, a fast and powerful image diffusion model, and its latest variant SDXL Turbo.

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) is a model that generates images with shorter prompts and inserts words inside images. It is published by Stability AI and available on NVIDIA NGC Catalog.

The Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) 1.0 model represents a significant leap forward in diversity and capability for AI-generated art. With an impressive array of 106 styles, the SDXL is a juggernaut in art creation, catering to artists' massively varied aesthetics and thematic preferences. This article showcases a range of styles you can implement ...

The Stable Diffusion 3 suite of models currently ranges from 800M to 8B parameters. This approach aims to align with our core values and democratize access, providing users with a variety of options for scalability and quality to best meet their creative needs. Stable Diffusion 3 combines a diffusion transformer architecture and flow matching.

Stability AI offers fast and powerful text-to-image models based on SDXL and Stable Diffusion XL. Try them online or download the code to create stunning visuals and realistic aesthetics.

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